Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bear suit, grrrrrrrr

Before I put my bear suit on, go completely insane, and just generally make a fool of myself by making an embarassing and public spectacle out of the entire situation...

 photo bearsuit.jpg

I think I'm going to calm down and think it over for a few more days. I honestly don't want to end up embracing my crazy DNA and allowing my anger to define me. There are so many other parts of me that are infinitely more interesting and worth focusing on. I already feel slightly better after the previous post.

Just know that I have enough dirt on you to bury you and all twelve of your split personalities, so I am not to be fucked with right now. Other than that, enjoy your temporary pardon - it's the only one you'll get from me.


Anonymous said...

That is fucking sexy! Grrrr

Anonymous said...

Wow--your mom seem more evil than godly

Anonymous said...

you need to get it out. many lives were affected by the abuse and evil ways of this is time the lord made the sinners pay...and you know who the number one sinner is....