Probably shouldn't finish that statement. Nevermind.
I received an email yesterday from the district manager of a company in this area with open management positions. I answered that ad some time ago and hadn't really expected a response. It seemed like one of those situations were they continuously accept applications to maintain a pool of candidates in the event of a position ever being vacated rather than a position they were actively hiring for. I've encountered several of those situations during these last 14 months of nearly steady unemployment. Very frustrating for someone trying to actually find a job, but I can't say I haven't utilized it myself. Anyway, this is my first solid job lead that isn't a telemarketing farm. I answered the email almost immediately, but haven't heard back yet. I didn't expect to since the original email from the district manager was sent just after 5pm, probably as he was leaving his office for the day. At least he is planning on interviewing for the position this week. I'm definitely ready and my schedule is wide open.
I had originally planned on asking my local aunt if I could borrow one of her vehicles until I was able to have my own repaired, but since then she has gone completely off the reservation and stirred up a whole crock of shit with the entire family. So, probably not a good time to be asking for favors. I had even accepted that I'd have to live with her and her family until I could make the repairs to my vehicle in order to use their vehicle. But, again, really bad timing for that. Oh, and about all that, I'll probably address that craziness she's causing in another post once it's been developed a little further and hopefully resolved in the next week or so. But, in the meantime, I'll probably solve my vehicle issue by sharing a vehicle with Nurse Egg. It'll be a little ridiculous, but we'll manage it. Hopefully I get this job and it pays well enough that we won't have to manage it for long. This is coming at a perfect time, too, since Nurse Egg has found our new home - potentially - and the seller has finally accepted her offer - last I heard, anyway. Looks like we're going to be roommates for quite some time now. Also looks like we're never leaving Ohio. I'm not as thrilled about the second part of that, but it's not as bad as it could be, I suppose. I mean, there must be a reason why I keep getting sucked back here, afterall. There's a reason why I can only escape this damn state for a few years at a time before being magically recalled and stranded here once again. I have no idea what the hell that reason is, but there must be one.
At any rate, better find a job if I plan on staying in the area. Better find a job, regardless of whatever else I have or haven't planned. I think I might have. This seems promising. I'm not going to say anything else until it happens or doesn't. We'll just see, but it is only one of several possibilities that I'm actively pursuing.
Lewis Hine took the photos used in this post. He did an entire study on workers during the 1920's. I decided not to feature the ones depicting child labor, but they are quite interesting. You might want to look for those for yourself if you're curious. Definitely worth the trouble, but not really appropriate in this context.
Shocking, I know, coming from someone as wildly inappropriate as myself - but I do have standards, afterall. The great thing about having standards is there are so very many to choose from.
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