I'd be absolutely exhausted all the time if that were true - and by absolutely exhausted, I mean far more absolutely exhausted than I already am as it is.
Anyway, it's just a silly fortune cookie. Eat it, read it, be slightly amused, and then move along.
I'm very disappointed that I didn't even get an interview for the employee coordinator position I applied for. I attribute this to my lack of the prerequisite education and accompanying degree. The posting said that work experience might be substituted for actual education. Might be is no gaurantee. Obviously. I'm not surprised, but I am very disappointed. Which means I'm still very much in training for tier II tech support. Friday was the last day in the classroom - which we celebrated by having a potluck lunch. The dessert salad was a smashing success, by the way. I used chocolate fudge pudding instead of vanilla, but I did not add the grapes. There's already enough different textures and flavors going on in there. Anyway, Monday will be our first day on the phones actually taking support calls. We will be monitored closely for the final two weeks of our training while we get some actual hands-on experience. The best part of this final stage is no longer having to wake up at 0500 every weekday. Schedules will be strictly afternoons from this point on. Hurray for that. We lost six people from our original training group throughout the six weeks of classroom time. There's something really beautiful about how perfectly those numbers align. Of course, if you consider that five people didn't even show up to the first day and were therefore not included in any of my figures, you find the actual percentage of drop outs is even more pathetic. Oh well. Anyway, I glimpsed an internal email I probably shouldn't have and my new friend with the tattoos is not coming back to work. Ever. Didn't think it was really my place to pass on the information to my new friend with the tattoos. He really wants his job back. Unfortunately for him, it's not going to happen. I'd rather not be the messenger that starts that trainwreck into motion.
Speaking of friends, I just spent the weekend with my lifelong asshole friend. Most of the weekend, anyway. I came home for lunch on Saturday while he was at work and took the dog along with me for a playdate with his giant horse dog. Nurse Egg's little alligator definitely held his own. In fact, I think he greatly surprised the much larger dog. Here are a few candid shots of that.
I assure you - despite how it might appear otherwise from the photos - that the larger dog was not harmed in anyway during the playdate. They didn't wear each other out like I had hoped either. They went non-stop for nearly 2.5 hours before these photos were taken and another ten hours after that. Nurse Egg's dog has been in coma mode since returning home very late last night/early this morning. It finally, finally caught up with him and he has yet to fully recover. He definitely enjoyed himself. So did I, as a matter of fact. The weekend was surprisingly drama-free which is becoming exceptionally rare regarding my lifelong asshole friend. Felt like the times from before. Before what exactly I'd rather not consider. Just before. Another life, feels like, sometimes.
Anyway, it's Sunday night and I'm doing laundry. Very exciting. I don't even have to be at work until tomorrow afternoon so I've got practically an entire day to fill until then. Definitely liking that better than the previous break of dawn scheduling. I'll never be a fan of anything that happens that early in the morning.
After months of trudging through every available piece of real estate within the very small radius we could actual allow ourselves to live inside, Nurse Egg and I might have found the perfect property. If it's true, it'll be just in time to make our end of lease date in the beginning of February. I'll hold off on sharing the details/photos until we're more sure about everything. We've been here before, sort of. This seems a lot more promising and certain, but just to be safe... we'll see how things go in the next few weeks. I definitely like this property more than any of the others, I'll say that much. Also, it doesn't have any of the deal breakers or structural problems any of the others sadly featured. But, again, we'll see and I'll share the details/photos with you just as soon as I can.
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