Like I said, I'm not an idiot. There were warning signs. The week I was fired, I had an interview for a job in Pennsylvania. Same commute time, more money out of training. I'm still actually waiting to hear back from that. I also contacted another temp agency and applied for several positions with them. I had checked my current temp agency's website for available positions and tried to apply to them, but was told I couldn't while working on a contract. I had to wait to be fired and by then the job I wanted was no longer available. They are supposedly going to call me when something else becomes available. Too late. I've already accepted a job from the new temp agency. There were hundreds of available listings on this new temp agency's site. There was only one on the first temp agency's site and it wasn't something I can do. I'm not a certified whateverthehell. I honestly don't remember. Who cares anyway?
My new temp job for the new temp agency begins on Wednesday. It is for a cheese factory. That'll stop being funny... never. I laugh every time I say it. Anyway... The job starts out just a few cents less than I was making at the previous temp job, but I get a $4/hr. increase after my first 30 days. Then, there are quarterly raises and a pay cap at double the starting wage. Yes, I'm very, very, very excited about all of this. Also, it's much closer than either the previous temp job or the job in Pennsylvania. Plus, it's obviously a much better rate of pay than either would ever provide. I'm not entirely sure what I'll be doing other than lifting bricks of cheese weighing 50 pounds repeatedly for several hours a day. This is also very exciting for me because I've lost 30 pounds now since the last week of January. Let me repeat:
I've lost 30 pounds.
I'm really happy about that. Anyway, I'd like to continue making progress on that effort. I've done about everything I can do diet-wise. I've completely changed my entire diet. I cheat sometimes, obviously. I'm not a robot. But, it's very healthy compared to what it used to be. I definitely need to workout in order to fully capitalize on my weight loss efforts. If I can do that and get paid for doing so... Win-win. Also, I like doing physically demanding work now. I know, how bizarre. But, it's true. Loading shipping containers by hand was my favorite part of my warehouse temping job. It made the time fly by and I usually lost a few pounds whenever I did it. It even became a lot easier each time I did it. It was good. So, I'm very excited about my new job and the potential extra benefits.
Which reminds me: the uniform. I'll be wearing a hairnet, beardnet, and a lab coat. There's no actual dresscode other than I'm not permitted to wear shorts or capris. Since the facility is kept at a constant temperature of about 55 degrees, that's not going to be a problem for me to adhere to that policy. I don't imagine that's ever been an issue for any of the employees, but.. then again... I will be issued a locker for my personal belongings and I was instructed to purchase a combination lock for it. I'm not allowed to have anything in my pockets, not even a key to my locker lock, so it has to be a combination lock. I purchased this one this afternoon on my way home from my interview/hire-in. No problem. My shoes also have to be slip resistant, so I'll be wearing my work boots until I decide to buy more comfortable work shoes. Unless they have an issue with the dried paint on them from the previous temp job, then I'll be buying a new pair of comfortable slip resistant shoes immediately.
I tried online dating for about a week during all of this. Very disappointing experience. There are a lot of old perverts in this area. Seriously, it was horrible. Also, there are a lot of married "straight" guys who want to take a little detour into Fagtown. No, Homoville. Queerapolis? Whatever. I met one seemingly normal guy and had an instant, amazing connection which lasted all of but a day when we realized we were simply not compatible. I'm not going to explain that. Well, maybe I will. I'll be vague. I'm exceptionally good at that. You need an X and a Y for a sexual relationship, but we're both X or we're both Y. It all depends on how I'm working that metaphor. So, we could have a great relationship only as long as we never planned on having sex with each other. Really shitty. Oh, and for the record, I'm actually X AND Y - but, my partner needs to be as well in order for me to be satisfied. Or, it doesn't last long. Anyway... I deleted my account. I'm over it. I should have known we were headed for some terrible mishap since he was a Scorpio. Every guy I've ever been with has been a freaking Scorpio and it's all been disastrous. In the beginning, it's amazing. It's really amazing. Then, their emotional intensity gets to be a little overwhelming - not to mention the possessiveness. But, in the beginning, it's amazing. I should know better and I totally do, but that's been my type forever. I really need to change that. Fucking Scorpios. At least I'm over the whole "straight" guy fixation. That's probably another reason it always ends in disaster, except for this most recent time. I just can't help it. I recruit for my team. It's much easier than you'd think. Kind of scary how easy, actually. Anyway... I'm going to be single for now and work on working and getting my life in order.
As far as that goes, everything seems to be on track right now. Things are definitely getting very exciting. I'm probably even happy. Well, not right now, since that thing with the Scorpio just happened last night. But, I would be if I wasn't moody and disappointed about that. Definitely.
One more thing, I might actually be considering getting a tattoo. I have to blame my recent discovery of pinterest on this. Basically, is a site where you can find all these images of whatever and pin the ones you like to thematic virtual pinboards for easy sorting and reference. You can even post directly to twitter, like on facebook, embed in a blog, or email the image/video clip. You can comment on pins, add descriptions, follow your friends as they pin things. It's basically a visual show and tell social app. It's somewhat addicting, actually. I have like 200 things pinned and I started two days ago. Anyway, I saw these tattoo ideas on pinterest and decided I liked them enough to consider maybe getting them put on my body somewhere.
This one is fairly straight forward. It's a bleeding heart in black ink. I blame my dealings with the Scorpio for this one as well. Both of these, actually. Anyway, still like both.
The next one is very interesting. It's a white ink tattoo which is almost like having a secret tattoo. You'd have to know to look for it to even see it. It looks almost like a brand or scar, actually. I think it's very unique and interesting and cool.
I'd like to manage to combine these two ideas somehow. Who knows if I'll ever actually get a tattoo, let alone this one, but it's a thought for now. I'm definitely thinking about it. I'm seriously thinking about it, even.
Oh, one last thing: I found this incredible French couple making amazing music videos on YouTube. They are disturbingly entertaining or entertainingly disturbing. One video even had mimes. MIMES! Anyway, this is one of my favorites. Enjoy. Oh, this isn't the one with the mimes. I realize not everyone likes mimes.
Alice, Marc, and the Noband from Paris, France.
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