Employer Views: 2
Still! How aggravating. If I had only developed a resume and profile at this employment site, I might be in serious trouble. But, I have pursued several different venues and have applied for employment in three different states. So, my chances should be fairly hopeful. Anyway, here's another:
December 16, 2010
Congratulations, you have passed the following exam:
[rest of email omitted.]
So, that means what exactly? Your guess is as good as mine, maybe even better. Basically it means that I might get called for an interview once they process the applications of everyone else who passed the exam and applied for that job vacancy. But, it means I'm slightly more likely to stay in West Virginia than I would have been otherwise. In any case, I've at least met the necessary requirements for the state job I'm so hoping to be considered and hired for.
In summation, it doesn't actually mean anything. But, it means more than nothing so that's something? I have to check my Englimatics. Yes, it means more than nothing but less than anything so it equals something by default. Logically speaking theoretically, hypothetically, possibly, hopefully, and desperately.
Anyway, I had my first interview on Tuesday. It went fairly well. I sat down with the assistant manager of a location in Charleston for a pet store. That alone was personally entertaining since I have zero experience in that retail industry and I barely recall applying for the job in the first place. But, it was good experience going through the whole interview process since it's been about four years since I've dealt with any of it. It was also entertaining for an entirely different reason as well. The assistant manager was originally from Pittsburgh, so we spent the majority of the hour trading war stories about acclimating to the West by God Virginian lifestyle, culture, and community. It was beyond lovely. Unfortunately, I can't actually imagine myself staying in West Virginia to pursue that career path - that alone wouldn't be enough to sway me to stay. It wasn't until the end of the interview that I realized I had neglected to remove the size sticker from the side of the new pants I had chosen to wear that day. I had been in a hurry after falling back asleep, rushing to make it to the interview at least a few minutes early to make a proper first impression, and simply hadn't the time or personal awareness to notice it. I hope no one else noticed it either. It's possible no one did. During the interview, we were sitting next to each other on a bench and the leg the sticker was on was facing away from my interviewer. So... it's possible it went unnoticed. Unlikely, but possible. How mortifying. I did acquire a second follow-up interview with the store manager for tomorrow afternoon, so if it was noticed it may have factored into the interview and scored me some pity points. I owe it to myself to follow this process through and at least consider whatever offer they have to make - if any. Again, I don't have any experience in that market so I can completely understand there being someone (read as: anyone at all, practically) with more experience and better qualifications for that staffing situation.
But I had fun, so who cares?
That has been my only call back thus far. Less than inspiring results so far with the job hunt, but at least I've received that much consideration.
I'm really hoping the state job at least contacts me for an interview in the next week. It's hard to plan my next move until I have a better understanding of what my options are. Everything is just pending and unknown right now. This has prompted me to amend the subtitle of this blog as you'll notice above. That's what it feels like for me at the moment. Lingering in purgatory. It's not as horrible as it could be, but it's moderately frustrating and exhausting.
In the meantime, I've done a great deal of packing and have reduced the bulk of my possessions down to the lowest common denominator by either trashing or donating to Goodwill the things I don't necessarily need or want. Either way, I imagine I'm leaving apartment H in the very immediate future. Can't say I'm sad to go, either. I've never particularly cared for this little shithole I've called home this past year. It has served its purpose and I'll never forget my time here, but I think that time has come to its natural conclusion. So... I'm either moving to Charleston (South Charleston, most likely) or I'm moving to...
Well, you'll just have to wait for that. Same as me.